Submitting Your Job Application

Once your CV is completed and approved, your Career Advisor (CA) and our Job Placement Specialists (JPS) will start locating possible employers that match your job-experience and work profile, who are currently looking to hire. A submission of your CV and relevant information will be performed, and the CA will remain in contact with the employer, to try and get answers on your behalf. Each JobSearch package contains a different quantity of unique submissions, depending on your choice of package and price. Additional submissions can be added, at a reduced price. 

Each submission created will be sent to you in an email update (so you can be made aware, and follow up). Along with this email update you will also get a survey, related to each job submission made. Your participation in filling these surveys is critical, as your responses and satisfaction effect all future submissions made in your behalf. This is your chance to give us input and be heard. Do not miss it.

  • Skill assessments: From time to time, some potential employers may send an automatic “skills questionnaire”, to try to evaluate your compatibility to the position being offered. It is very important that you stay connected to your email during the JobSearch period, and respond to them quickly – as they are only valid for 48 hours. A later response will make the attached questionnaire link unavailable.

  • Any decision by a potential employer about your case will be delivered to you by your personal Career Advisor (CA) as soon as it is received.